Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 9: Jackson Lake, GA

Sunday, April 26
Jackson Lake GA
Odometer Begin:
Miles traveled: John drove!
Time spent traveling:
Other: Amount of beer or wine you can buy in Georgia on a Sunday: 0!
Wx: sunny high 80s F:
States traveled through: GA

We stayed at Scott and Karen’s last night and had a great breakfast then headed down to John’s friend Mark’s house on Jackson Lake. We spent the afternoon out on the boat and then went back and barbecued. The southerners thought is the lake was too cold to swim in. It felt pretty good to me. I didn’t swim though but Brian did.
From Athens
A perfect day on the lake.

More photos here


  1. In Maine they paint lighthouse sculptures and black bear sculptures. In Georgia, pugs??? Request: flower photos from your hikes? Just curious...

  2. Yeah, and North Conway has painted snowmen. We passed some painted bears when we were on the Cherokee Reservation but didn't think to take any pictures.
